Things that Vex Keith Dunn… New 'Doctor Who'
Published: 18th March 2005
Well it's back and it came back with a bang. It's not perfect but then the original series was never perfect but it was a good place to start. My hat is off to Mr. Davies in producing a fast paced (it felt like we had gate crashed in at episode 3) explosion of a show. Christopher Eccelston did play it like a smiling loon and quite flippant at times but there were signs of something larger crammed into human form. I'm sure that with another couple of episodes he will settle in to the role. As for the FX I loved them (well I'm easily pleased where CGI is concerned) the trailer for the next ep looks wwhhoo.
All that remains to be seen is how well it did against Ant & Dec but until the ratings are published all I have to say is:
Its back! Its back! Its back! Its back! Its back! Its back! Its back! Its back! Its back!